Friday, February 19, 2010

Make Your Own Wrestling Person Does A Person Criticizing One Side HAVE To Criticize The Other Too Just Because They Also Qualify?

Does a person criticizing one side HAVE to criticize the other too just because they also qualify? - make your own wrestling person

This is not a college decision. A person can be another person to strike without touching the ground so hard. Of course, I have criticized the behavior of some atheists here. Of course there are many Christians who are exactly the same things guilty. But here's the thing. I am not speaking of Christians at this time. Quite frankly, many of my criticizms not even touched genuine atheists. They are mostly of negative shocks (aka trolls) masquerrading about atheists trying Cheeze when a group of people hoping to make others miserable as they were intended (and trying to soothe his aching bones therapuetively by hitting people (you know how it feels like pain)).

So why even bother to call, the pot and eand a kettle. We have only 1000 characters for the damn things. Why waste time when I click on the Christians with a focus? Do not try to divert attention from their own mistakes. An adult. Fess up Do not be a baby.

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