Friday, February 12, 2010

Transer Of A Deed Is It A Good Deal To Trade A Scooter For A Land Deed?

Is it a good deal to trade a scooter for a land deed? - transer of a deed

I recently tried to sell my original '08 Buddy 125 scooter on craigslist for $ 2400 to. I received an e-mail from the person told me that she has "a lot living in Runaway Bay, have a clear and duty on the estimated value of the city is $ 5,000. I have not used the land for years, but could the to use scooters. If your new, I act, even if you take care of the records of the deed. "So, what kind of research I'm doing now that my attention? Found Runaway Bay and their community, near a lake located only 15 miles from me. Here is the website http://www. / visitors.htm FYI

I know that some people's eyes when the possibility can deceive. Since I have never owned land or a house, before I do not know fTSRI how to check to see if this is a win-win situation for me. I turned around and sell it for money, but I do not know if I tell the truth of the estimate. I also know that is one of the standards in real estate "you can not wait to buy real estate, buy property and wait." Therefore he could not hold it for a profit even in the coming years. Please let me know what you think.

Thank you for your help.

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